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Summer Program 2024

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Monday to Thursday 1st July – 1st August
In association with West Dunbartonshire Council

Register below for combined Awestruck Academy
and FREE of charge SUMMER SHINE activities for July 2024

Our Summer Programme will run from Monday 1st July to Thursday 1st August.  Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s are FREE courtesy of West Dunbartonshire SUMMER SHINE program. Monday and Thursday’s have a small charge to help cover expenses.

Monday Gaming Group: We will have structured tournaments and competitions with a gaming host leading the fun. (£3)

Tuesday Music Group:  We will be learning instruments and singing and performing on stage to end in a summer performance. (FREE)

Wednesday Art Group: We will be practising art skills from painting, crafts, drawing skills and end in an art showcase. (FREE)

Wednesday Family Karaoke Group: Great chance for youngsters to get the family involved in singing their favourite songs. (£2)

Thursday Gaming Group: Same as Monday, play Fortnite tournaments, FIFA, Rocket League, Roblox and Minecraft. (£3)

Thursday Adult Gaming Group: Geared towards adults who need a little extra support, perhaps with a carer or helper assisting. (£3)

Please only book places you intend to use. We only have so many places available and anyone booking a place that is not taken up denies someone else that opportunity.

Our project will start on Monday 1st July and finish on Thursday 1st of August.
The showcase will be scheduled for August.
Our timetable looks like this:

Mondays: July 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th

Awestruck Gaming Group (10 people per session)
1pm – 3pm
(8-14 years) (£3 per person)

Tuesdays: July 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

 SUMMER SHINE Music Group (20 people per day)
11am – 12.30pm (lunch break) 1.30pm – 3pm
(8-14 years) (FREE)

Wednesdays: July 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

SUMMER SHINE Art Group (20 people per day)
11am – 12.30pm (lunch break) 1.30pm – 3pm
(8-14 years) (FREE)

Thursdays: July 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 1st Aug

Awestruck Gaming Group (10 people per session) 
1pm – 3pm (8-14 years) (£3 per person)

Thursdays: July 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, 1st Aug
Additional Support Gaming Group: (Over 16 years)
10.30am – 12.30 (£3 per person)
Need a little extra help? Have a carer? Aimed at adults with extra support needs and assistance

Lunch provided for Summer Shine Music and Art Groups

Demand for places often outstrips available places, so please take care when completing the form.
We will do our best to cater for everyone and to do so we need you to fill the form as required.
Art & Music 8-14 years, Gaming 10-14 years


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