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Birthday parties have been scarce since the beginning of lockdown, and understandably so due to the risk of spreading covid-19.

At Awestruck Academy we have remained closed while other venues such as pubs, restaurants and other clubs have opened their doors.

We took this decision knowing that the damage to our organisation might have been irreparable, but safety is our number one priority.

During our closure we finely tuned our response and procedures for keeping our visitors as safe as it is possible to be, and with the approval of all official bodies we have contacted are now pleased to announce we are once again open for party bookings.

During this time we will always maintain the strictest adherence to safety procedures and in association with our photography partners Boy In The Corner will ensure no-one is exposed to any unnecessary risks while still being able to enjoy thier time with us.

Our famous Gaming Zone parties are now available to book up to a maximum of “X” guests where X is the current numbers allowed by the Scottish Government.

We assign guests a team of at least two members of staff and maintain separation in different rooms while still maintaing an overall group atmosphere.

Each gaming console is screened and socially distanced from its neighbour, and strict hygeine and cleaning protocols are in place to help prevent contamination.

Our industrial strength air filtering and extraction system has been overhauled to produce maximum clean and fresh air throughput.

Every care has been taken to ensure everyone has a good time while keeping safe.

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